The Water Communion is an ancient ritual that dates back before written records and has been practiced by many cultures worldwide. The ceremony symbolizes our connection with water as a source of life, renewal, hope, and healing. It is believed that when water from different sources is combined, it represents unity and inspires people of all backgrounds to come together.
Our congregation adopted this ritual in 2022 to commemorate its members' diverse origins and celebrate their shared values. Each member brings a water source that has been meaningful to them, whether it's their favorite place or something of great significance. Each drop of water is symbolic of their union with one another and their connection to their home and community. By bringing different water sources together in a single bowl, each member acknowledges and honors those who have supported them on their unique paths while reinforcing our collective bond. The beautiful bowl was designed by one of our members, Larry Moore.
This meaningful ritual allows us to unite as one united community, helping us stay grounded in love and understanding no matter what changes or challenges we face. After the service, we all gather outside to pour the bowl into the base of our 'Unity' statue. While we will continue the Water Communion annually, we are also looking for ways to expand its meaning by continuing this tradition into the future. Please join us during other events, such as 'Yoke To Go' and 'UU The Vote.'